A General Evaluator script with a quote and cheat sheet

TM Rohit from Kolkata has beautifully used a quote to explain his role as a General Evaluator. Also attached is a cheat sheet or check list below to help you in your role. Have a look.

In the words of Ken Blanchard “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” If that thought appears too heavy standing on just six words, please note that Ken Blanchard is the author of “The one minute manager” – a 112 page book that sold more than 16 million copies and was ranked as the NY Times bestseller. Clearly, Ken champions truth in brief.

At Toastmasters, we truly echo his thought. That is why every session has a General Evaluator. As the general evaluator today, my role is to give a comprehensive feedback on every aspect of today’s session – things that were good and things that could be better.

Helping me in my task today is the TAG team, where T stands for Timer, A for Ah counter and G for Grammarian. (At this point, you can introduce the TAG role players)

Here is a checklist you can download to perform your role with perfection.

Thank You TM Rohit for your submission. If you have a script for any role in Toastmasters, let us know here.

For more ideas on scripts to introduce your role as a General Evaluator, look here.

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